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Web3 uses Web3 technology to create a permanent, uncensorable repository of information.  Not only can you access this website via our servers, but you can also access this website via other servers and other people.  It utilizes IPFS - a peer-to-peer storage system.  You can also help host this website!

Learn about IPFS here:

IPFS Desktop App is the easiest for most people:

Then get the browser helper:

With these running and activated you should be able to view this website via its CID (content ID) which is a unique code that represents data.  The hash identifies the information and also ensures its validity.  Instead of the old-fashioned client-server website connection, IPFS allows client-content-peers.  Instead of 1 server that can go down or be attacked, IPFS allows unlimited servers that can host the same important information so that it never leaves the Internet and is quickly available nearby.

You can "pin" data from our website to help host it.  Thank you for being part of the solution.