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Restore Community Policing and Trust is revolutionizing policing in Amerca and the world.  Our mission is to make policing foremost about protecting rights.  We have police to help protect freedoms such as freedom of speech, expression, assembly, religion, the right to keep and bear battle arms, to be secure in our persons and property, the sanctity of our homes, free from cruel and unusual punishment including solitary confinement, and more.  Police are tasked with the job of investigating and apprehending criminals within the confines of the common law and common sense.

Policing needs improvement everywhere.  In the United States we frequently see:

  1. Lack of training - mere weeks of training instead of years
  2. Lack of accountability - police investigate themselves
  3. Lack of transparency - police withhold information and video/audio evidence or tamper with that information/evidence
  4. Lack of leadership - police leadership that lacks the moral standards for such power and responsibility

We are rapidly changing these by striking at the root:

  1. Publish allegations of police misconduct
  2. Publish the names and faces associated with allegations
  3. Publish supporting evidence of allegations
  4. Publish follow-ups, support for victims, contact information of agencies, and outcomes
  5. Provide a platform of healing and atonement by inviting victims and law enforcement officers to make statements/apologies
  6. Open other avenues of communication and cooperation among us all

Law enforcement officers are human and will make mistakes.  We do not expect them to be perfect.  We do demand that when protecting human rights - civil rights - is their main duty that there is real accountability.

Help us today by providing valuable information on an issue with an officer and by making a donation - whatever amount you can afford and feel prompted to give - so that we may bring about a safer and friendlier world for all!