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Federal Agent Robert Lamb Attacks - Attempts Murder?

Name of officer: Robert Lamb

Agency: Department of Homeland Security

Allegations: Kevin Byrd is peacefully sitting in his car waiting outside of a restaurant.  Kevin has a child with his ex-girlfriend.  His ex-girlfriend was just involved in a bad car accident with her new boyfriend - alleged perpetrator Robert Lamb's son.  Robert Lamb is allegedly trying to protect his son after his son was in bad drunk driving accident with Kevin's ex-girlfriend, the mother of his child.

Kevin did not recognize Robert Lamb at first, but is abruptly startled by Lamb drawing his weapon and yelling telling him to get out of the car.  Lamb threatens to "put a bullet in your skull" to Kevin if he doesn't get out of the car.  Lamb tries smashing window with the barrel of the gun.  Lamb puts finger on trigger, but gun doesn't fire.  Lamb tries to clear jam and police arrive.  Robert Lamb picks up cartridges (unfired rounds) from the ground.  Police come and arrest Kevin instead.